Detailed Information:
1.Silo body is made of 275g/m²hot galvanized panel (two sides).There is a hole on the hypo- cone for inspecting the feed level.
2.We have different kinds of silofor different demands.
3.All are high intensive,anti-corrosive,easy-installing and have years longevity.
料塔上锥板与围板搭接处,我们采用模具压型,为大波纹设计和完美弧面对接的方式, 从而使固定上锥板和围板的螺栓和密封垫片固定在上锥板的平面上,杜绝破损和漏水, 保证了搭接处的密封性,而且外形更加美 观。
We adopt Double-lined Bolts and Three-Lined Butyl Rubber Seals Connection for sidewall rings.The sealing of the joints and the overall strength of the silo is increased greatly.